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The Surprising Turns of My DNA Journey: Dismantling the Celtic Myths About Dougherty

Family name Dougherty

I ventured into this genetic journey with a sense of curiosity, eager to uncover the roots tied to my surname Dougherty. Yet, what I discovered was far beyond what I had anticipated. My DNA story unfolded not just a heritage rich in Irish blood and Gaelic resilience, but also threads of unexpected ancestry that reshaped my understanding of my past.

J. Dougherty

Ever since I took the iGENEA DNA test, my understanding of my past and origins has taken a surprising and unexpected turn. My surname, Dougherty, always gave me a sense of Irish pride and strong Celtic roots. I expected the test to confirm this but to my shock, I found myself connected to a broader and more diverse heritage than I could have ever imagined. The twists and turns that my genetic journey unveiled were truly fascinating, placing some intriguing footnotes on the historical map of my ancestors. It was a journey full of awe, mystery, and ultimately, understanding about who I am and where I come from.

J. Dougherty

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerCeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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