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Delving Deep into the Fernandes Lineage: Unraveling Ancestry using iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Fernandes

Having taken a DNA test at iGENEA, I've been privy to a depth of information concerning my genetic heritage behind my Fernandes family line. After a simple mouth swab process, high-standard lab procedures and stringent quality control helped ensure accuracy. The test, examining series of specific markers in my DNA, traced back to the origins of the Fernandes surname.

E. Fernandes

After undertaking a DNA test at iGENEA, I was thrilled to delve deep into my heritage and uncover the genetic background behind my Fernandes family line. The technical process of the test involved the extraction of my DNA from a simple mouth swab. This sample was then analyzed in a lab, using state-of-the-art technology and systems.

The iGENEA DNA test checks for specific markers in our DNA called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Short Tandem Repeats (STRs). SNPs are tiny variations in the DNA sequence, useful in tracing deep ancestral lines. STRs, on the other hand, are segments that repeat uniquely in our DNA, instrumental for connecting my DNA to the Fernandes surname.

The process was time-efficient and the information gleaned from the DNA analysis was presented in an easy to understand and digestible format. The accuracy of the results was astounding, thanks to iGENEA's use of high-standard laboratory procedures and rigorous quality control measures.

The results decoded the history of Fernandes back to its origins, giving me insights into my genetic roots. I discovered that the Fernandes name has links to Sephardic Jewish heritage and its origin baptised from the given name "Fernando." The results were an amalgam of history, genetics, and migration patterns, tying various pieces of my ancestral puzzle together.

Understanding the origins of my surname allowed me to explore the intricacies of my genetic heritage. It's a revelation to comprehend how the Fernandes surname has journeyed, morphed, and adapted over centuries, passing the thread of heritage and identity between generations through the DNA.

The DNA test at iGENEA has been a fulcrum towards a profound deeper understanding of my lineage and an enlightening learning quest about my Fernandes family roots.

E. Fernandes

Further links

🧬DNA-Explorerjewish DNAGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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