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The iGENEA DNA Test's Impact on Understanding My Identity and the Gerdes Heritage

Family name Gerdes

The iGENEA DNA test I took recently offered me a more profound knowledge and appreciation of my heritage and personal identity. The strongest impact was the revelation related to the Gerdes surname, my family name.

N. Gerdes

The iGENEA DNA test has unveiled a new understanding of my personal identity and heritage. As someone who bears the Gerdes surname, the test's revelations have redefined my perception and connection to the broader network of humanity. It has presented a clearer picture of my genetic makeup, which gave a deeper appreciation for my roots, and emphasized the inextricable linkage between familial lines. The insights guaranteed by the iGENEA DNA test unraveled hitherto unknown truths about my ancestry and biological connections, profoundly impacting my perspective on my individuality, familial ties, and cultural heritage. The newly discovered genetic data, especially concerning the Gerdes surname, has been a crucial landmark in my self-discovery journey, igniting a transformed understanding of my identity and my place in the global human family.

N. Gerdes

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerDNA of the indigenous peoples

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