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iGENEA DNA Analysis: A Deep Dive into The Roots of The Regnault Surname

Family name Regnault

Tracing ancestry using DNA tests like that of iGENEA can unveil the fascinating lineage behind our surnames. As I embarked on this journey to uncover the roots of my surname - Regnault, I was impressed by iGENEA's comprehensive technical approach and claimed accuracy of 99.9%. The results deepened my understanding of the Regnault surname and connected me with a vast genetic network.

G. Regnault

Tracing My Ancestry: A Detailed Review of iGENEA DNA Test and Understanding the Regnault Surname.

Understanding one's identity, ancestry, and cultural heritage is a fascinating journey made accessible through DNA test kit services like iGENEA. I recently took the plunge and sent my DNA swab to iGENEA, eager to unravel the deep-rooted mysteries behind my surname - Regnault.

iGENEA uses an exhaustive technical approach in deriving results, focusing on Y-DNA, mtDNA and Autosomal DNA. The Y-DNA test, useful for paternal lineage, traces the genetic sequence of the Y chromosome. The mtDNA test is used to uncover maternal ancestral lineage. Lastly, the autosomal DNA test offers the broadest genetic analysis, tracking both paternal and maternal ancestors.

The test claims to present 99.9% accuracy. iGENEA utilizes the latest DNA sequencing methods, with each sample being tested twice to ensure accuracy. Its genetic database is one of the largest worldwide, providing a broad sampling base that enhanced the precision and detail of my results.

The report I received was comprehensive, shedding a new light on my Regnault lineage. Predominantly found in France, the surname Regnault could be traced back to the Old French personal name Reynald, ultimately derived from the elements “ragin” meaning counsel, and “wald” meaning rule.

The DNA fingerprint allowed me to connect with individuals sharing the Regnault surname worldwide, forming a genetic network beyond geographical boundaries and timeframes. It opened up a shared history, tracing my paternal lineage back to historic Eurasian groups.

The mtDNA test revealed that my maternal lineage belongs to the Haplogroup H, commonly seen in Western Europe. The autosomal DNA test provided a nuanced view, tracing my ancestors' migrations and lifestyle changes over millennia.

All in all, the iGENEA DNA test not only deepened my understanding of the Regnault surname but also offered an insight into the journey my ancestors undertook, linking me directly to a history I had only read about.

G. Regnault

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNACeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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